Monday, April 15, 2013

Move user between domain's

Move user between domain's in the same forest PowerShell

This week I try to write PowerShell script for moving users between domain's in the same forest.At first I try to use ADMT 3.2 ,in my test environment the ADMT install on a member server.After several testing I try the RTFM approach (read the faking Manuel).From this approach I learn that if you want to script ADMT it must be install on a Domain Controller!

So I start google to find alternative then I found a Book from  O'Reilly
"Active Directory CookBook" Written byLaura E. Hunter,Robbie Allen
in the book was explain in VB for moving users between domain in the same forest.






Below is the Code in PowerShell that do the work enjoy

100 function GetDomainnamefromobjectDN([string]$objDN){
101      $str = $objDN.Split(",")
102      for ($i=$str.length-1 ;$i -gt -1 ;$i--)
103         {if ($str[$i].substring(0,2) -like "dc")
104            {if($strDC)
105               {$strDC = $str[$i].Split("=")[1] + "." + $strDC}
106            else
107               {$strDC = $str[$i].Split("=")[1]}
108            }
109         }
110         return $strDC
111      }
113 $Tou = "CN=Users,DC=London,DC=England,DC=CO,DC=UK"
114 $usrDN = "CN=Doron Zilber,CN=Users,DC=England,DC=CO,DC=UK"
115 $TargetRID = $null
116 $SourceRID = $null
117 $objForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
118 $DomainList = @($objForest.Domains | Select-Object Name,RidRoleOwner)
120 foreach ($dom in $DomainList)
121      {if ($ -eq (GetDomainnamefromobjectDN($Tou)))
122         {$TargetRID = $dom.RidRoleOwner}
123      if ($ -eq (GetDomainnamefromobjectDN($usrDN)))
124         {$SourceRID = $dom.RidRoleOwner}
125      if ($TargetRID -and $SourceRID)
127         {break}
129      }
131 $objUsr = [ADSI]"LDAP://$SourceRID/$usrDN"
132 $MoveToOU = [ADSI]"LDAP://$TargetRID/$Tou"
134 # ## Command to Do the actual move
135 $objUsr.PSBase.moveto($MoveToOU)